- Dňa 01. 10. 2024
- ZPF 0.100384 -0.03%
- REF 0.038684 0.03%
- ABF 0.121862 0.51%
- KOP 0.039512 0.13%
- FLK 0.102529 0.19%
- M15 0.101613 0.05%
- M30 0.100926 0.09%
- AMG 0.043288 0.28%
- SEP 0.03374 -0.12%
- DOP 0.053488 0.09%
- VRF 0.045199 0.86%
- APO 0.175865 0.17%
- STO 0.120663 0.01%
The company Eurizon Asset Management Slovakia, správ. spol., a.s. and the funds, which the company manages, have the following LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) codes: